Utilization comes after, yep you guessed it..absorption! 🤗🙌🍉
The human body has an Endocrine system which is a collection of glands throughout the human body that have VERY important roles to play inside of us.

The names of the glands that make up the human endocrine system are hypothalamus pituitary ,pineal, thyroid , parathyroid glands (which are attatched to the thyroid) thymus, pancreas, ovaries (females) and testes (males). (Refer to picture)

These very specific glands are responsible for secreting hormones and steroids directly into our blood and also metabolizing sugar for energy (that should come from fruit sugar) these hormones and steroids control and regulate the functions of our bodies like reproduction, your sex hormones/function, moods, energy, growth functions, tissue functions and also help you sleep effectively and wake up genuinely refreshed.

The ADRENAL glands are responsible for producing 25 cortical steroids that help the body utilize its minerals! (Iron, zinc etc)
If you have shotty adrenals you may experience classic symptoms like:
Fatigue/no energy, general weakness and low blood pressure or moodiness, they also control sex function. Adrenals are also responsible for metabolizing sugar & also responsible from producing neurotransmitters for the autonomic system. They also control mobility which is muscle function.

The THYROID gland has a job to regulate metabolism in the body & utilize glucose properly. Your thyroid if compromised can, be caused to become hyperactive (over active) or it can function in hypoactive mode (underactive). Throughout out your life you could definitely come across both situations.

An over active thyroid can cause:
Restlessness/hyperactivity, protruding eyes and excessive growth.

Signs of an under active thyroid are:
Unusual Sensitivity to cold weather or slightly cold conditions, hands & feet always cold , heart arrhythmia, low blood pressure, depression, nails that break easily & are very weakened, scoliosis of the spine, heart attacks slow metabolism , fatigue, hot flashes & arthritis!

The PARATHYROID glands which are attatched to the thyroid, utilizes calcium, however if these glands are clogged then that cant happen. Our nervous system heavily relies on calcium so if you have a weakness in this gland it is likely you are DEPRESSED, bruise easy, are tired, feel weak a lot of the time, have varicose veins, spider veins, herniation, brittle fingernails, low calcium levels, fibroids, hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, scoliosis, arthritis, prolapsing of any organs, bone spurs, this is linked to low parathyroid function.. Basal temperature can also tell us whether our thyroid is out or whether its more of a para thyroid issue when it comes to temperature issues some people feel really hot but do not techincally have a fever. This can indicate a parathyroid issue also.

The PINEAL gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye is responsible for producing a hormone called melatonin which is the hormone that helps control your sleep cycles. During the day melatonin is not present in significant amounts but at night when its time for sleep, it kicks back in. The pineal gland is also responsible for naturally producing DMT when you are dreaming, which in spiritual terms is what gives you that “out of body experience”. Dmt is the hormone that allows you to dream and lack of can result in nightmares, inability to dream & can lower your IQ level along with your awareness. Getting out in the sun to help strengthen this gland along with a clean diet. Bear in mind, but if you block the sun, you are blocking LIFE. If you burn from the sun it is exposing your toxic body. Burning is a weakness and mutation. And sunblock mutates and blocks your skin! (Which is an organ) + the toxins in it soaks directly into your bloodstream!!.

The THYMUS gland is considered the master gland of the immune system. This gland helps the body fight off the invasion of molds, yeast, fungus bacteria, viruses and the like.” – Robert Morse ND – issues and signs that may arise from a weakness in this gland can be telltale signs like moles on the skin, thrush and itchy skin in general.

The PITUITARY gland is also linked to hormone production to the reproductive system and so if you have problems with the pituitary gland you may experience, ovarian & teste issues (“autoimmune” or “cancerous”) skin pigmentation or excessive amounts of either estrogen or testosterone, for women you can also experience menstrual problems and heavy bleeding. Another interesting weakness to the pituitary gland is being too short or too tall. A Weak pituitary gland can cause slow growth in children also. You may experience mood swings, irritability, skin problems, PMS, weight issues, etc.

The HYPOTHALAMUS gland is the master of glands and has the role of controlling the entire body, when other glands fail to do their job, the hypothalamus steps in to attend those emergencies. You can get tumors in this gland & that can cause vision loss or severe headaches.

The PANCREAS is responsible for producing bicarbonate, and bicarbonate is provided by your pancreas to help neutralize the acidity of foods you are consuming, most specifically the carbohydrates. The pancreas is a digestive organ that breaks down these carbs to help with digestion. A stagnant backed up pancreas cannot do this. Symptoms of a weak pancreas are gas after food consumption, diarrhea, acid reflux, poor digestion which is seen through bits of food left in bowel movements and trouble putting on weight/ becoming too thin.

Pineal Glands - Hypotalamus Glands - Pituitary Glands
Pineal Glands – Hypotalamus Glands – Pituitary Glands

Proper utilization of nutrients is related to the endocrine glands because those glands are the very messengers to our hormone and energy production! So if your glands are backed up with mucus from trying to protect themselves from the accumulation of stagnant lymph and the acidity of that inside of your body, then that is blocking effective utilization making your glands weak, then as the glands become more damaged the functions i mentioned above become disorientated.


So how do we help our precious glands heal and enable themselves to utilize properly to ensure our functions are happy 🤗??

WELL. The answer is always FRUIT! Energetic, astringent and highly electrical FRUIT!! + Herbs to support the specific glands, enhance their vitality and with dry fasting to give your cells a rest & chance to regenerate and get strong again! Which then in return corrects the production of the glands and youll start to heal.

But it all begins with cleaning out the 5 Organs of Elimination as the first step.

Your poor body cannot use 100% of its energy to do all this healing at once let alone heal the rest of the issues that could be present AND focus on digesting dead heavy foods simultaneously.

WHICH is why it is imperative to eat simple meals and keep it at least 80% mono fruits, some raw salad with herbs and dry fasting added!

So if you want happy glands and a vibrant you, It comes back to correcting digestion to allow absorption and so on..its a process guys. So far we have been through these processes to detoxification:
1. DIGESTION (of food) 2. ABSORPTION (of nutrients) 3. The Endocrine glands & UTILIZATION (use of nutrients) & 4. Will be ELIMINATION (of metabolic waste). 🙏 🤗🍒🍊🍓🍇🍎🥝

Article by Jon Stearns.


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