Inspiring Education

These highly recommended video and YouTube links are designed to empower you with an inspiring and educational glimpse at possibilities beyond the scope of the mainstream approach to healing.

Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain

The wheat of today is not the wheat of our parents or grandparents. Modern wheat is the product of genetic manipulations that have transformed its properties. The introduction of this new strain of wheat has been associated with the appearance of a long list of health problems, along with weight gain and diabetes.

In this video, Dr. Davis teaches how omitting all things wheat provides amazing and unexpected health benefits, including weight loss, relief from acid reflux and bowel urgency, as well as a reversal of diabetes, migraine headaches, and learning disabilities in children.

Genetic Roulette

This movie exposes the Bio Industry’s claim that the consumption of genetically modified food is safe. Strong evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn.

This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Dr Andreas Moritz provides excellent insights into the benefits of undertaking a liver flush. This world renowned author, healer and artist reveals the most common but rarely recognized cause of illness – gallstones congestion of the bile ducts in the liver.

Forks Over Knives

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods. A 2011 documentary directed by Lee Fulkerson.

The Gerson Miracle – Film

A 1h 31m documentary film released in 2004. For the first time, this film chronicles the epic “true story” of Dr. Max Gerson’s miracle.

Food That Kills – Full Presentation

Astounding insights linking disease to the consumption of Animal products.

Food Matters

This 2008 documentary film presents the thesis that a selective diet can play a key role in treating a range of common health conditions. It exposes the medical industry as a ‘sickness industry’, which profits more from treating the symptoms of illness than curing the illness.

Dying To Have Known

Dying to Have Known is a fascinating, revealing and well-constructed interview-based presentation of the benefits of The Gerson Therapy. Still controversial seven decades after Max Gerson, M.D., first employed it.


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