What is CD?
CD is the abbreviation for chlorine dioxide, which is a gas that is produced when 28% sodium chlorite solution is mixed with an acid (e.g. lemon juice, citric acid, or hydrochloric acid). In 1997, chlorine dioxide was found to kill the parasite that causes malaria (see Red Cross Field Test below). Further research revealed that people with many other ailments could benefi t from the use of CD. In 2010, the biomedical autism community began to use CD as a means to improve their children’s health. Extensive case histories exist showing improvements in autism, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, seizure disorder, cancer, infections of all kinds, dental issues, and even HIV/AIDS.
What about the complete CD Autism Protocol?
The complete protocol looks a little something like this where each step builds upon the previous one. It is a combination of biomedical interventions, applied in a certain order, with allowances for the varying needs of each individual child. The entire Protocol is spelled out in detail in the SECOND EDITION of Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, by Kerri Rivera. This protocol is literally the bleeding edge of biomedical interventions for autism. With that said, families began using CD in diluted potencies for their children on the spectrum in 2010. The Kalcker Parasite Protocol was added soon after. In the nearly 4 years that families have been using the CD Autism Protocol, it has spread to over 60 countries, over 12 languages, and with well over 10,000 members in our various Facebook groups. So far, 164 children have lost their diagnosis, and hundreds of testimonials add to the anecdotal evidence that this protocol is safe and effective.
A little CD Autism history:
Kerri Rivera’s son Patrick was diagnosed with autism in 2003. From that day forward she searched tirelessly for answers to help her son, and improve his health. She felt strongly that her son was not born with autism and he should not have to die with it. This led to extensive networking with parents, doctors, and professionals in the autism community, but unfortunately resulted in a lot of lost time and wasted money on interventions that didn’t work. In 2006, Kerri opened AutismO2, a hyperbaric clinic in Puerto Vallarta, and began a support group for local parents. Through using the protocol formerly known as DAN!, some children, but not enough of them, healed from autism. In 2010, CD came into her life, and with it undeniably positive changes in Patrick. As he continued to improve, she began to tell other parents about CD, and they too saw unmistakable gains in their children. This was the beginning of the CD Autism movement.
The Recoveries
Since Kerri began helping children with autism through biomedical interventions, 164 children and counting, have lost their autism diagnosis. These recoveries span the globe, and include individuals ranging from 2 to 31 years of age! This completely shatters the belief that after the age of 9 children can no longer recover from an autism diagnosis. One of our recovered teens is soon heading to the university. Another child stood up with Kerri at AutismOne 2014, and brought the audience to tears as she shared her own recovery story.
The Red Cross Field Test
In December of 2012, The Water Reference Center (WRC), an affi liate organization of the Red Cross, performed a documented field test in Uganda in which 154 malaria patients were given activated sodium chlorite (which generates chlorine dioxide). All 154 patients tested negative for malaria within 24-48 hours. The WRC and the Red Cross insisted on keeping the results quiet. Eventually the results were made public in May 2013 via an amateur video produced by the individual who trained the Red Cross staff on CD malaria protocol. Unfortunately, on May 15, 2013, the Red Cross dissociated itself in the strongest terms from the test and its results. Soon thereafter, a professional video produced by the WRC was discovered and released showing the details of the test along with glowing statements by Red Cross officials.
Who can benefit from the CD Autism Protocol?
Anyone! Although this protocol was written to help heal children with an autism diagnosis, it has proved effective for a variety of ailments. The beauty of the protocol is that it focuses on eliminating injurious excesses (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, heavy metals, and food allergies), rather than supplementing defi ciencies (i.e., nutrients). Pathogens and parasites are at the core of the majority of illnesses in our world today. The fi rst three steps of the Protocol target these invaders.
“Chlorine dioxide sounds like bleach or what goes in my swimming pool.”
Chemistry 101: At room temperature sodium is a highly reactive metal that will violently combust in the presence of oxygen, while chlorine in doses as little as one part per thousand in air causes death. However, when sodium and chlorine combine the result is sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. Similarly, chlorine dioxide contains the word “chlorine” in its name, but is completely different from Clorox bleach or pool chlorine, both of which can be poisonous and/or cancer causing if used on or in the human body excessively. Chlorine dioxide has an amazing ability to destroy (through oxidation) disease-causing microorganisms on or in the human body. The chemistry of chlorine dioxide allows it to destroy these microorganisms in such a manner that it is simultaneously destroyed, leaving nothing behind but table salt, discharged oxygen atoms, and dead microorganisms.
What research has been done on CD?
A growing grass roots effort by researchers worldwide has discovered that CD provides surprising health benefits if used properly. Private companies have also done extensive testing into the antigenic/biocidal/oxidative properties of chlorine dioxide. Doctors worldwide (especially in South America and Africa) have been using CD to treat a variety of ailments for over a decade. Countless individuals around the world use it, benefi t, and routinely share their experiences online. In addition, a study conducted by Lubbers et al., demonstrated that chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution in increasing doses produced no harmful effects in otherwise healthy adult subjects.
I read on their forum that CD can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even seizures.
The forums are a place where parents share highs and lows while on the protocol, and posts taken out of context can make it seem like CD is responsible for these reactions. As far as vomiting and diarrhea are concerned the protocol always tells parents to go low and slow, and stay under a Herxheimer reaction, caused by excess endotoxins produced as a result of CD induced pathogen death. There are plenty of studies linking autism and underlying infections/pathogens. It is worth noting that diarrhea/constipation, gut dysbiosis, and much worse are common to most children in the autism community, especially those not using the Protocol. Seizures are poorly understood by the medical community in general, and can have many causes such as vaccine injury, high ammonia from parasites, low minerals, excess glutamates, etc. There is no study (animal or human) linking chlorine dioxide to seizures.
The average doctor knows little about chlorine dioxide and its application for autism spectrum disorders or other illnesses. Some progressive doctors (especially in South America) recommend the Protocol to parents, and many use it as an adjunct intervention in their own practices. Unfortunately, professional restraints control conventional doctor’s ability to prescribe and discuss certain subjects in first world countries – although some will talk positively about the protocol off the record.
What does the FDA say about CD?
The FDA has approved the use of chlorine dioxide for disinfecting fruits and vegetables, for water purification, for sterilization in hospitals, and many other uses. Despite a warning about chlorine dioxide for healing purposes, CD has been patented for many uses in the medical field.
- Nontoxic Antiseptic (Pat 4035483/1977)
- To combat human amoebas (Pat.4296102/1981)
- Against dementia caused by AIDS (Pat.5877222/1999)
- To cure all types of illness of the skin (Pat 4737307/1988)
- To disinfect live blood (Pat. 5019402/1991)
- To heal injuries more rapidly (Pat. 5855922/1999)
- Many types of oral care (Procter & Gamble)(Pat. 6251372B1/2001)
- Against bacterial infections (Pat. 5252343/1993)
- Treatment of severe burns (Pat.4317814/1982)
- Regeneration of bone marrow (Pat. 4851222/1989)
- Treatment of Alzheimer’s, dementia etc. (Pat. 8029826B2/2011)
- Immune system stimulation in animals (Pat. 6099855/2000)
- Immunological system stimulation (Bioxy. Inc.) (Pat. 5830511/1998)
There are also products for sale over the counter that contain CD as an active ingredient:
- DioxiRinse™ Mouthwash
- DioxiBrite™ Toothpaste
- DioxiWhite™ Pro Teeth Whitener
- WhiteLasting™ Maintenance Gel
- BioClenz™ Dental Unit Waterline Cleaner
- Penetrator™ Periodontal Gel
- Simply Clear™ Acne Treatment
- DioxiWhite™ Home Teeth Whitener
- Cankers Away™ Canker Sore Cure
- DX7™ Skin Protectant Gel
- Periodontitis Treatment
- DioxiSmooth™ Facial Exfoliant
- Gingivitis Treatment Surface Disinfection
- Fire Fighter™ Burn Pain Reliever
- DioxiGuard™ Spray Disinfectant
- Nail-It™ Nail Protector
Recognition in the EU for Treatment of ALS
As of September 2013 the European Union approved sodium chlorite (the precursor to chlorine dioxide, and in many ways a more potent oxidizer) as a medical product for the treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease).
The Controversy
An astounding 164 recoveries and thousands of happy families later, there is still a brewing controversy. There are many facets ranging from – Is CD safe for consumption? Is it bleach? Does my child really have parasites? Can you really recover a child from autism? Is Kerri in this for the money? We could spend another 2 pages rehashing the answers to these questions, but if you want to hear the real stories join the CD Autism Forum. Here you can reach out to a moderator if you want to speak to someone who is actively using the protocol, read the testimonials, and watch the videos. Finally, try it for yourself and look for subtle (or not so subtle) improvements in your own health. Many of the parents in our groups tried the protocol first before starting with their children, and gained the confidence they needed to move forward on their journey to healing autism.
Isn’t CD industrial strength bleach?
Just because a chemical is used in industry doesn’t make it off-limits for applications in health. Water is used extensively in industry as well as medicine and of course we require it for life. The paper industry uses chlorine dioxide to whiten pulp because it is effective with minimal environmental impact. The concentrations used by industry to “bleach” pulp are a whopping 172,000 times stronger than a typical oral dose for a 70kg man. What would happen if you took an Aspirin that was 172,000 times stronger than the recommended dose? There is no comparison. Concentrated CD solution can stain clothes, but so can lemon juice, red wine and various other foods. Just because something can alter the color of clothing does not produce any correlation to its safety when correctly applied.
But I don’t want to change my child’s personality…
CD does not have the power to change someone’s personality, to take away the innate gifts that they were given when they were born into this world. There is a difference between the behaviors that lead to an autism diagnosis, and someone’s personality. For example, rages, self-injurious behavior, inability to express oneself, and an inability to sense danger, are not character traits, but rather symptoms caused by underlying pathology. What CD does have the power to do is eliminate pathogens, heavy metals, and some parasites. Our 164 recovered children still have their unique personalities and gifts, and now they are able to choose how to express themselves and use their gifts. Their parents will tell you that they are just as loving, joyful, inquisitive, rambunctious, and full of life as ever!
Be it puritanical values, irrational fears of causing harm, or general disgust for feces, some people can get all worked up over enemas. Despite being used for literally thousands of years, and the anus being a body part like any other, this is one part of the protocol many try to avoid. However, cleansing the colon is tremendously beneficial to the body; removing pathogens and toxins leads to an overall improvement in health. CD Autism encourages parents to try enemas for themselves first to become familiar with the sensation, and reap the benefits. Once you see for yourself how straight forward enemas are, you will be much better equipped to apply them to your child.
Kerri Rivera must be getting rich. Probably pays people to write Amazon reviews…
Kerri helped families on a full-time basis from 2006 to 2013 without ever earning a penny. Only after receiving her degree in homeopathy did she begin charging for guidance consultations. She directed a hyperbaric clinic from 2006-2012, which allowed many low-income families to have access to hyperbaric treatments at no cost. Today, there are real costs associated with our website, newsletter, book publication, and travels to conferences. All readers are encouraged to review the book. Kerri has never paid anyone to write a book review. Positive reviews on Amazon are from real people who are satisfied with the results they have achieved from using the protocols.
Who is behind this CD Autism Facts Sheet and why?
This Facts Sheet is produced and maintained by a group of people involved with CD Autism who are dedicated to helping families heal their children so they can lead full, happy, healthy lives. The intent of this Facts Sheet is to provide just enough basic information to do further research, while highlighting the controversy, so as to make it easier for the reader to remain objective. The information provided here only scratches the surface. The reader is encouraged to consider the motivations on all sides and draw their own conclusions.
Chlorine Dioxide vs Bleach
What You Can’t Tell From the Name
While chlorine dioxide has chlorine in its name, its chemistry is radically different from that of chlorine. It has to do with the way electrons interact with one another. As we all learned in high school chemistry, we can mix two compounds and create a third that bears little resemblance to its parents. For instance, by mixing two parts of hydrogen gas with one of oxygen – liquid water is the formed. We should not be misled by the fact that chlorine and chlorine dioxide share a word in common. The chemistries of the two compounds are completely different Chlorine dioxide and chlorine – because of their fundamentally different chemistries – react in distinct ways with organic compounds, and as a result generate very different by-products. It’s this difference that explains the superior environmental performance of chlorine dioxide in a number of industrial applications.
Chlorine and chlorine dioxide are oxidising agents – electron receivers. Chlorine has the capacity to take in two electrons, whereas chlorine dioxide can absorb five. This property, along with the complex but well-known ways chlorine combines with certain organic materials, to form chlorinated organics that cause numerous environmental problems, explains the superiority of chlorine dioxide based products.
Aromatic compounds have atoms arranged in rings and they may have other atoms, such as chlorine, attached to these rings, to form a chlorinated aromatic. Within the group of chlorinated aromatics, which can be toxic to some organisms, are the infamous dioxins.
Chlorine dioxide’s behaviour as an oxidising agent is quite dissimilar. Instead of combining with the aromatic rings, chlorine dioxide breaks these rings apart. In addition, as the use of chlorine dioxide increases, the generation of chlorinated organics falls dramatically. Chlorine dioxide’s chemistry also explains why it is such an effective oxidant, or bleaching agent. It’s 2.5 times more powerful than chlorine gas, and also much more selective.
In water treatment applications, chlorine dioxide, because of its more powerful action, has broad spectrum activity over a wide range of micro-organisms, and has the ability to penetrate biofilms, and other heavily contaminated areas, where chlorine treatment is simply not effective. Because of its increased efficiency, far less of the chlorine dioxide product need be used, eliminating waste, and reducing handling costs and risk Chlorine dioxide has been shown to be, more powerful, easier to use, and more environmentally friendly than equivalent chlorine treatments.
What is Chlorine Dioxide?
Chlorine Dioxide is a molecule consisting of 1 Chlorine atom and 2 oxygen atoms.
Abbreviated to ClO2.
- It has a molecular weight of 67.45.
- It is a gas at normal temperatures and pressures.
- It has a melting point of -59o C.
- It has a boiling point of 11o C.
- It is yellowish/green and has an odour similar to that of Chlorine.
- It is denser than air and is water soluble at standard temperatures and pressures up to 2500ppm.
- It is explosive in air at concentrations > 10%
- It is prohibited from all form of transport, it is normally generated at the point of application.
- It will decompose in the presence of UV, high temperatures, and high alkalinity(>pH12).Chlorine Dioxide Timeline
- 1811 first discovered by Sir Humphrey Davey.
- 1944 First commercial application. Used as a Biocide/Taste and Odour Control agent in domestic water at Niagara Falls in the USA.
- 1977 Three thousand municipal water systems achieving biological control using Chlorine Dioxide.
- 1980’s Chlorine Dioxide gradually replacing Chlorine in many industries.
Pulp and Paper industry as a bleaching agent.
Industrial water treatment as a biocide and as an odour control agent.
Food processing as a sanitiser. - 1990’s Increasing used for the secondary disinfection of potable water.
What advantages does Chlorine Dioxide have over Chlorine?
- Chlorine Dioxide is a more powerful oxidant. It undergoes 5 changes in its oxidative nature. Chlorine is only capable of 1. It is therefore 2.6 times more powerful per ppm.
- Chlorine Dioxide acts only by oxidation. Chlorine will combine to produce harmful Chlorinated by-products, e.g. Chlorinated phenols, THM’s, Dioxins etc. Many of these by-products are recognised carcinogens.
- Like Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide is soluble in water. It however does not hydrolyse to form acid. Chlorine Dioxide is therefore less corrosive.
- The properties of Chlorine are very pH dependant, Chlorine Dioxide is effective at all pH’s below 12.
- Chlorine has been found to be ineffective against complex organisms, e.g. cysts and protozoa. Chlorine Dioxide has been found to be effective against a wide range of organisms.
- Chlorine cannot be used at elevated temperatures (>40o C) as it tends to dissociate evolving Chlorine Gas. Chlorine Dioxide does not dissociate as readily at elevated temperatures.
- Chlorine does not remove Biofilm. Chlorine Dioxide Does.
What is Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide and what are the advantages?
- Scotmas are the producers of solutions which contain Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide in a buffered state (pH 9). These solutions contain up to 5% (50,000ppm) Chlorine Dioxide.
- Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide solutions may be transported by road, sea and air.
- There is no capital outlay on generation equipment enabling small volume use of Chlorine Dioxide.
- Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide can become “Activated” Chlorine Dioxide by simple processes
- Elevated Temperatures > 60o C
- The addition of an acid.
- The addition of Chlorine.
- Or any combination of the above.
- Approved by the Drinking Water Inspectorate for the addition to potable water.
Further Approvals for the use of Chlorine Dioxide are:
- EPA bactericidal and fungicidal approval for hard non-porous surfaces in hospitals, laboratories and medical environments.
- EPA bactericidal and fungicidal approval for instruments in hospital and dental environments. (Pending)
- EPA bactericidal approval as a dental pumice disinfectant.
- EPA approval for a terminal sanitising rinse for food contact surfaces in food processing plants, and in restaurants, dairies, bottling plants and breweries.
- EPA approval for disinfectant of environmental surfaces such as floor, walls and ceilings in food processing plants, such as poultry, fish, meat, and in restaurants, dairies, bottling plants and breweries.
- EPA approval for a sanitising rinse of uncut, unpeeled fruits and vegetables, at 5 ppm followed by a potable tap water rinse.
- EPA approval for disinfectant of water systems found aboard aircraft, boats, mobile vehicles, off-shore drilling rigs, etc.
- EPA approval for treatment of stored potable water, at 5 ppm, for drinking water.
- EPA approval for general disinfection and deodorization of animal confinement buildings, such as poultry, swine, barns and kennels.
- EPA approval for the disinfection and deodorisation of ventilation systems and air conditioning duct work
- P-1 approval for bacterial and mould control in federally inspected meat and poultry processing plants for environmental surfaces.
- D-2 approval as terminal sanitising rinse not requiring a water flush, on all food contact surfaces in food processing plant.
Chlorine Comparison
Chlorine has been used as a water disinfectant for many decades, and many people are familiar with its use in water disinfection systems – so why change? We list below a number of advantages that chlorine dioxide treatments have over chlorine based systems:
Chlorine | Chlorine Dioxode |
Does not remove biofilm | Will remove biofilm and thus clean tanks and pipes |
Produces unwanted by-products including carcinogens | Does not form chlorinated by-products |
Is corrosive and unpleasant to handle | Is much less corrosive than chlorine. Does not hydrolyse to form an acid |
Already Banned in certain parts of Europe and the USA | Is rapidly replacing chlorine in many of these areas |
Is pH Dependent and very ineffective above pH 7 | Is not pH dependent (<pH 11) |
Is ineffective against complex organisms (e.g.: Cysts & Protozoa) | A very broad spectrum kill * |
Limited oxidative effect against various chemical contaminants. Forms chlorinated phenols |
Destroys phenols (without forming chlorinated phenols) specific destruction of Hydrogen Sulphides. Destruction of a wide range of chemical contaminants # |
Neutralisation required before dumping to the foul drain | Because no unwanted by-products are formed, and will have a lower residual after use, no neutralisation normally required |
Cannot be used at temperatures above 40oC due to the release of chlorine gas | Effective at higher temperatures – does not disassociate as rapidly as chlorine |
Increased disinfection time and more service work required to combat high bug counts | Cost savings in labour and use efficiency outweighs the additional chemical costs |
* Includes aerobic, non-aerobic, gram positive & gram negative bacteria, spores, viruses, fungi, cysts and protozoa
# Includes iron, manganese and other metallics, phenols, trichlorophenols, Hydrogen Sulphides and Sulphides. Refer to Scotmas Systems’s ClO2 reactivity booklet for further information and for specific reactivity rates for particular contaminants
Chlorine Dioxide Mode of Action
Many Scotmas products are based around chlorine dioxide. A powerful biocide, chlorine dioxide has a number of advantageous properties outlined below:
The antimicrobial activity of chlorine dioxide is extremely broad spectrum. It is highly effective against gram negative and gram positive, aerobic and anaerobic, spore forming and non spore forming pathogenic and saprophytic bacteria. This includes bacterial spores, one of the most resistant forms of microbial life to disinfection. The viricidal activity may actually exceed its bactericidal potency. Chlorine dioxide is also effective against molds and yeasts -. both categorized as fungi. It is exceedingly active against acid tolerant bacteria, such as the infamous E. Coli O157:H7. This broad spectra also includes organisms such as algae and protozoans, including Cryptosporidium, Microsporiclium and Giardia lamblia.
As impressive as this list of microorganisms vulnerable to chlorine dioxide is, it is interesting to note the organizations that actually produced this data on chlorine dioxide. Much of the early work was done or compiled by the US EPA’s Division of Drinking Water, in an effort to discover the best replacement for chlorine in water treatment applications. After over 12 years of research, beginning in 1976, their overall recommendation endorsed the use of chlorine dioxide for drinking water applications.
Other researchers interested in chlorine dioxide technology have done numerous comparisons with standard disinfection compounds, such as chlorine, quaternaries, iodine, peroxide, peracetic acid glutaraldehyde, and others. Dr. Ralph Tanner in 1989 published the first broad based comparison in the Journal of Industrial Microbiology. Stabilized chlorine dioxide was shown to be far superior overall in scope and speed of kill, using test bacterial and fungal organisms. In-house commissioned studies also reflect this pronounced antimicrobial activity, with 5 log reductions (99.999%) within 30 to 60 seconds against Listeria, E. coli, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus among many others. This type of documentation is never completed, and our product development is ongoing.
As mentioned earlier, the primary chemical reaction of chlorine dioxide based compounds is through oxidation. There are other oxidants in the marketplace. Why is chlorine dioxide’s oxidation any better than, say, peroxide? The answer is that chlorine dioxide’s oxidation is more selective, in that it is highly reactive with certain amino acids that make up proteins, the structural and enzymatic components of life. Two of these amino acids are aromatic, tryptophan and tyrosine, and two contain sulphur in their structures, rnethionine and cysteine. As nature will have it, these amino acids contain easily abstracted electrons, a prerequisite for rapid reactions with chlorine dioxide. The “dug” structures in aromatic molecules contain clouds of electrons, while the sulphur containing molecules have the natural electronegativity of sulphur to promote the donation of electrons to chlorine dioxide. While the reactions of chlorine dioxide with the aromatic amino acids are probably responsible for the observed destruction of cellular structural components, the reactions with the sulphur containing amino acids are more likely responsible for the rapid cell death of the microorganisms.
The enzymes found within all cells mediate practically all biochemical reactions within a living cell. These include respiration, metabolism, cellular repair, active transport of materials in and out of the cells and protein synthesis, just to mention a few. These enzymes are proteinaceous and are composed of many strands of polypeptides, which are chains of linked amino acids. These chains of amino acids are held together in a rigid three-dimensional shape by disulfide bonds cross linking the chains together where two sulphur containing amino acids from two different locations come into close contact. In order for enzymes to perform their function as catalysts for biochemical reactions, they must have a particular shape. IT the disulfide bonds are broken (oxidized), the shape is altered and the enzyme loses its specificity, causing toss of that particular biological function. The simultaneous loss of respiration, metabolism, cellular repair, and cell component synthesis is a rapidly fatal condition.
In general, microbes have two differing cell types, prokaryotic and eukaryotic structures. Most bacteria have the more simplistic prokaryotic cell type, where enzymes are located just inside the cellular membrane. These locations come under oxidative attack almost immediately from chlorine dioxide and therefore these cell types are most rapidly destroyed. Fungi and protozoa are of the eukaryotic cell type, where their enzyme systems are located deeper within the cell structure and therefore are slightly more resistant to rapid destruction. Bacterial spores have many layers of protective material surrounding them and therefore are more resistant. For example, a vegetative bacterial cell may require only 30 seconds exposure to chlorine dioxide for cell death to occur, while its spore form may require 5 minutes. Fungal spores are not nearly as protected as bacterial spores and show very little resistance to chlorine dioxide.
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