Human parasites are not only a third world problem.

Fasciola hepatica: Liver fluke, is one of four types of flukes plaguing the human body. The adult worm may reach 30 X 13 mm.  It is a leaf shape with a cone-shaped projection at the anterior end.  Living specimens are grayish-brown.

This species actually eats the liver and blood of mammals (humans included) causing problems with fat metabolism and systemic inflammation. The longer they live in the liver, the darker in color they become because the blood from the liver stains their skin

Not difficult to eradicate if you have the right tools. These worms are frequently seen expelled after doing a liver cleanse (Secrets of Liver Cleanse) along with the suggested two weeks preparation for the cleanse using the Adult Parasite Formula.

Interesting that our grandparents were frequently known to “de-worm” their kids, but this is no longer practiced as household knowledge. Dr Klighardt a medical doctor specializing in treating parasite related diseases is of the opinion that parasites are more epidemic within the modern world than we give them credit for.



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